Saturday, August 28, 2010

More stuff and stuff

I've been feeling pretty "blah" in terms of art lately. Just in time for school to start up again. Convenient. Though, I know once I get back into the college atmosphere, my mojo will get a healthy kick-start.
Irregardless, have some painting and sketches!

The last six are sketch commissions--characters aren't mine :]

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fabel's End

Here we are, another finished piece to toss up here!

I know his expression isn't exactly befitting to his grizzly situation... I came to fully realize this by the time the background was complete, but continued to finish the image regardless.
Perhaps he's just been caught wondering as to whether or not he left the stove on.

Here are two progress shots, if that tickles your fancy:

I'm glad I nix'd that globe :/